Get Organized Month, sponsored by the Association of Professional Coordinators, has been observed in the month of January since 2005. The timing of this event makes it perfect as a New Year’s resolution.
It’s estimated that Americans spend up to an hour a day looking for misplaced items. From a child almost missing their bus because they can’t find their shoes, to Dad trying to find his keys, the stress and wasted time add up.
Clutter makes organizing difficult, so the first step is to throw or give away everything you don’t need. This step is hard if you have an emotional attachment to your belongings, so you may want a friend to help you. They can keep you on track and focused on the goal.
Once your clutter is gone, the next step is to find a place for everything. Organizational methods are available to make this task easier. These are only a few of the organization methods that have been developed by specialists.
New York Times best-selling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Marla Cilley runs the Flylady web site. Marla has developed steps to help you move forward to a clean and organized home.
Peter Walsh, a best-selling author and tv personality, has the stated goal to “help people live richer, happier lives with a little more organization.”
Get Organized Month – January Greeting Cards