Wednesday, July 6th

Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day


A webmaster — also referred to as a web developer/architect, website administrator, or website publisher, among other titles —   is responsible for the development and maintenance of your website. July 6 is the day designated to show your appreciation to your webmaster by taking them to lunch. What would you do without their magic coding fingers, their dedication to developing and keeping your website up and working, and the long hours they work? Your webmaster is a key player on your team, is available 24/7 in case of a website emergency, and is required to keep up with a constantly-changing industry.


How can you celebrate Take Your Webmaster to Lunch Day, other than the obvious lunch? Any of the following gifts would be appreciated by your web master.


  •  Start the day early, with an assortment of gourmet coffees and pastries when they arrive at the office.
  • A gift certificate to a spa, with lunch included, for them and a friend.
  • A gift basket with fine coffee, chocolate, a character figurine related to their favorite show, and a gift certificate to their favorite tech store.
  • If your webmaster isn’t onsite, a gift certificate will be appreciated.
  • An assortment of craft beer.

Anyway your choose to recognize your webmaster’s dedication and skill will be appreciated. A webmaster is an oft-forgotten team member, toiling in the background. When they do their job well, it’s easy to forget them.

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