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All eCards » Between Friends » Support Pages: 2   Cards: 34  

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star, you're a star. encouragement, super, grand,

sympathy, condolences, loss, grieve, grieving, funeral, death, sorry for your loss, in deepest sympathy

sympathy, condolences, loss, thoughts and prayers, grieve, grieving, funeral, death, sorry for your loss, in deepest sympathy
you're a star!
sympathy - cross
sympathy - thoughts and prayers

sympathy, condolences, loss, grieve, grieving, funeral, death, sorry for your loss, in deepest sympathy

sympathy, condolences, loss, grieve, grieving, funeral, death, sorry for your loss, in deepest sympathy

sympathy, condolences, loss, grieve, grieving, funeral, death, sorry for your loss, in deepest sympathy
sympathy - angel
sympathy - memories
sympathy - lilies

sympathy, condolences, loss, grieve, grieving, funeral, death, sorry for your loss, in deepest sympathy

sympathy, condolences, loss, grieve, grieving, funeral, death, sorry for your loss, in deepest sympathy

immer cool bleiben, Wolf, schnee, stütze,
sympathy - candle
sympathy - praying hands
Immer Cool Bleiben! Wolf

du bist was ganz besonderes,Blume,tulpe,freundschaft,

tarjetita,sonreir,animar,margarita,flor,sólo porque,

you rule,the best,top,great,friend,you rock,
Ganz Besonderes - Blume
sonreir - margarita
you rule!

one in a million,brick,unique,the best,support,the best,super,friend,thank you,

you're the best,the top,top banana,great job,well done,succes,great,

bear hug,support,hug,panda,pillow,friend,friendship,reaching out,best friend, comfort,
youre one in a million
top banana
bear hug - panda

you rock, rock, guitar, music, congratulations, thank you, thanks, thanx, you're the best, top, super,


friendship,gnomie,homie,bff,dude,homeboy,garden gnome,homes,comrade,pal,buddy,mate,friend
you rock!
hangin with my gnomie

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