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Emelisa's Inspirational Heart Art
Friday, June 07, 2024

Paintings and Messages from my Heart to YOU
Welcome to "Emelisa's Inspirational Heart Art" Its a JOY for me to share my creative greeting cards with YOU. I hope you enJOy my store as I continue to create and share love
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100 - 120 of 7,454 cardsPages: 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 first    « prev    next »    last  

Beautiful and charming cards Emelisa. Good job with the store.
Inkflo @ Chez Inkflo
Angela  |  October 13, 2012
Your cards attract smiles,sunshine, love and hapinezzz! Really beautiful, would be an idea to translate them in french...
Doraine "chaque jour est un bon jour".

guest  |  May 12, 2012
I LOVE your art work!
It is so bright and happy.
It makes me smile every time I look at it!
You are truly talented.
guest  |  October 24, 2011
Em, I love your bright, spirited, and poignant paintings!! Every one of them comes straight from the heart, and one can tell.
guest  |  October 20, 2011
Em, you know I love your work. It can't help but brighten one's day :)
guest  |  October 20, 2011
Em...My goodness your talent is a gift that must be shared and here you are sharing it so beautifully. Thankyou for all the beauty and goodness you bring into this realm lovely one. You are a bright light shining for the masses. Love and gentle energy coming your way for you to receive as well as share. XOX Kate
guest  |  October 20, 2011
Em's creativity is straight from the heart and the words are heartfelt. I'm so proud of you my friend!
guest  |  October 19, 2011
I love your heartworks Em! These cards all seem straight from you to the Universe....stopping briefly to lend smiles and hugs to those that need them. Let's face it....we ALL need inspiration like this!!! Keep up the great work lovely one!! <3 <3 Sarah
guest  |  October 19, 2011
Thank You Emelisa for sharing your art in all its forms,
your words and images touch hearts in magical ways, and I know that when people see or receive your artwork, they feel hugged and opened and touched with your true intention which is for them to feel loved and happy and appreciated!!! Thank you again, Lyza
guest  |  October 19, 2011
Em :) your artwork is so beautiful, vibrant, colourful and inspiring...makes me want to jump for joy! Love your work, Penelope

guest  |  October 19, 2011
Emelisa your artwork is straight from the heart, its just beautiful
guest  |  October 18, 2011
Love your work and the pieces I have - well done Em - they're brilliant, inspirational, uplifting and filled with love :)))
guest  |  October 18, 2011
'Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge'. Deep, inspiring, bold, and to the point. There is a little bit of everyone in your work. You make it so very simple to find the beauty in the most playful ways!
guest  |  October 18, 2011
very colorful, good work!
cheng en  |  October 15, 2011
Love your lovely colourful cards!
guest  |  October 15, 2011
I love the simplicity of your work..and the colours are so vibrant .! A beautiful collection..You inspire me to take up painting once again..wish you success in everything you and light
guest  |  October 14, 2011
Beautiful , I love it & all your art : )

guest  |  October 14, 2011
Good Work <3

guest  |  October 14, 2011
You've added some really nice cards to your store, nice illustrations and color usages.

guest  |  October 09, 2011
I love your watercolor work, Emelisa. Love the beautiful choice of colors. Red Heart Thank you is very special!
Sandra  |  April 26, 2009
I just toured your store, Beautiful Artwork and Store
Norval  |  February 12, 2009
Hello, just stopped in to say welcome to GCU and nice start to your store.

Bill  |  January 19, 2009
Your cards are as beautiful as you are! The world needs more of these beautiful ideas; thank you for contributing yours! -- Swee Pea
guest  |  January 05, 2009
Hi Em. This is mollie, from SARK. I love your new "look" and your cards are just beautiful. xxx :-)
guest  |  January 04, 2009
Congratulations Em, what a divine way to share your joyful art with us!
guest  |  January 04, 2009
Great shop - You are very creative and inspirational !
Michelle  |  January 02, 2009
What a lovely start to this card shop. Your cards are both unique and inspirational. Terrific work.
Delores  |  December 31, 2008
Hello Em, I think your art is so bright & inspirational. It is such a wonderful ambition to use your talent to inspire others! I wish I had your talent! Hope you do well here on GCU!
I commented on your "Create your life" card about a week ago!

Priscilla from Florida
Harvey  |  December 30, 2008