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What to write in a Father's Day Card

What to Write in a Father's Day Card

Father's Day -- the special day set aside to honor and express our gratitude to all of the dads in our lives. Fathers come from all walks on life, in all shapes and sizes, each unique and each deserving of some special recognition on this special day. Whether your father is sentimental, witty, stoic, reserved or gregarious, we'll help you pen the perfect words to express your feelings. No matter what kind of father you want to honor: father, grandfather, father-to-be, stepfather or a person who has been a father figure to you, we have a few suggestions and examples to help you pen the perfect sentiment to accompany your Father's Day greeting for all the special dads in your life.
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For Your Father

Think about what makes your father special. Just being your father. Simply the fact that he is your father is the major thing that makes him special to you. Whether you call him Father, Dad, Daddy, Pop or something else, your relationship to your father is one-of-a-kind and like no other relationship in your life.

Helpful Tip: If your father is not the emotional type, you don't need to get mushy and sentimental if that does not fit your situation. Make your message simple and sincere. Add a little humor to lighten up the moment. Be sure to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship and express your appreciation for the role he has played in your life.

Some ideas for the perfect sentiment for your father:
  • I'm so proud to have you for a father!
  • Thanks for always being there for me, Dad.
  • Growing up was so much fun because of you.
  • I thank God for giving you to me as my dad.
  • All of my favorite memories include you, Dad.
  • You're the best Dad! Thanks for all you have given me.
  • Thanks for the love and guidance all these years.
  • For all the important things you taught me, I thank you.
  • There will always be a special place in my heart for you, Dad.
  • Whenever I need support or advice, I always think of you first. Thank you for your love and support.
  • You're a great father and very much loved.
  • For all you've done for me, I am truly grateful.
  • I'm so lucky to have you in my life.
  • You have given me the best things in life: Your time, your attention and your love. I am so honored to have you as my father.
  • Thank you, Dad, for being a friend when I needed a friend and for being a parent when I needed a parent. You are the best father I know!
  • The older I get, the more I appreciate your advice, guidance and love. Thanks for sticking with me!
  • You're my hero, Dad! Happy Father's Day!
  • Thanks for not killing me when I was a teenager! Happy Father's Day!

For Your Husband

He's not your father, but your love and respect for him are immense. Let him know just how much you appreciate the father he is to your children. Husbands need words of encouragement and need to know they are appreciated for the job they are doing as fathers.

Helpful Tip: Make your card personal and from the heart, let him know how much his sacrifices as a father have meant to you. This is your chance to lay on the sentiment. He will appreciate it.

Here are a few ideas for penning the perfect sentiment to the special man in your life on Father's Day:
  • You, our family, love, I have it all. Happy Father's Day!
  • Thanks for sharing this crazy ride with me!
  • Happy Father's Day to the love of my life and father of our children.
  • For all the ways you go above and beyond every day for our family, I thank you.
  • Our kids are so lucky to have you as a father.
  • Life couldn't be better that sharing love and parenting with you.
  • Happy Father's Day to the man I love. I thank God every day for you and for all you do.
  • There is no one is this world who is more loving or a better father than you!
  • To our kids, you are a hero. They got that right!
  • We have been blessed with a wonderful family, a happy home and love for each other, but most of all, we have been blessed with each other.
  • I am so blessed to have you as my husband. Happy Father's Day.
  • You are always there when our family needs love and support. I love you for being the great father you are.
  • You are an amazing father every day of the year. I love you and appreciate all you do. Happy Father's Day!
  • You are a fabulous father who gives our children someone to honor, admire and respect. Happy Father's Day to the love of my life!

For Your Grandfather

The names we call our grandfathers are as diverse as they are: Grandpa, Papa, Pops, Papaw, etc. No matter what you call him, grandfathers all have a common objective-spoiling grandchildren, no matter what age they are! Let your grandfather know how much you appreciate his love and attention over the years with a special greeting especially for him to honor him on Father's Day.

Helpful Tip: Since grandfathers go by a wide variety of names, you may not be able to find a card that is specific to the name you call your grandfather. Not to worry, you can personalize the card you choose with your own message.

Some suggestions for what to write in your Father's Day card for your grandfather:
  • You hold an extra special place in my heart, Grandpa!
  • You're the best grandpa in the world!
  • I still look forward to all our times together, Grandpa!
  • I hope you know how much I love and admire you.
  • For taking the time to teach me to fish and all the tractor rides, thanks Grandpa!
  • For all the good memories you've given me, I am truly grateful!
  • My memories of times spent with you will always be extra special to me!
  • You have a way of teaching me without saying a word, thanks Grandpa!
  • Grandpa, you will never know the impact you have had on my life.
  • I am so blessed to have you for a grandpa.
  • For all the life lessons and the ice cream, I thank you!
  • May you have a special Father's Day full of peace, happiness, and love!
  • It's so grand to have you in our family!
  • On this Father's Day, I want you to know how much you mean to me.
  • A grandfather holds a special place in our hearts.
  • When I think of my blessings, you are the first thing that comes to mind.

For Your Son

Nothing brings more joy and delight than witnessing your own son become a father. Your son needs to know how much you admire him for the father he has become. On Father's Day, let your son know how proud you are of him and how thankful you are for those precious grandchildren.

Helpful Tip: For your sons who are fathers, pride is a strong theme Father's Day. Make sure to let your son know how proud you are of the father he has become.

Some ideas for expressing your feelings to your son on Father's Day:
  • Happy Father's Day, Son! Thank you for being such an awesome father to our precious grandchildren!
  • Since you are now a father, you can understand all the love and pride we've always had for you.
  • We couldn't be prouder the son and the father you have become.
  • With love and gratitude for being great son and making me a happy grandmother!
  • You are a natural as a dad. Our hearts swell with pride seeing you with your children.

For Your Grandson

Grandchildren, aren't they the greatest gift you can have? The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is one of the most special there is. If you are fortunate enough to have a grandson who has entered fatherhood, be sure to let him know how proud you are of him for the father he has become.

Helpful Tip: Even though he may be a father now, let your grandson know he will always be extra-special to you. The great-grandchildren he has added to your life are a special bonus!

For that delightful grandson in your life, here are a few ideas to express your love on Father's Day:
  • Thank you for carrying on the family tradition of great fathers!
  • I am so proud to have you for my grandson.
  • Thank you for bringing new joy to our family.
  • Thinking of you with grateful heart for that precious great-grandson of mine!
  • I am so proud of the wonderful father you have become!
  • Seems like only yesterday you were a little boy. It fills my heart with joy to see the father you have become.

For A New Father

Like the father-to-be, the new father in your life also deserves some extra special attention and reassurance that he is doing the father thing right. Helpful Tip: New parents need to be reassured that they are doing a good job at parenting. Provide words of pride and encouragement for the new father on his first Father's Day.

Some suggestions to show your pride and support to the new father in your life on Father's Day:
  • You'll always remember your first Father's Day. Cherish the memory!
  • You're doing awesome as a father!
  • Happy First Father's Day! You are a wonderful dad!
  • Fatherhood looks good on you!
  • Happy First Father's Day! You are off to a great start!
  • God knew you would make a great dad!
  • You are making a super father! Happy First Father's Day!
1st Father's Day Card

For A Father-To-Be

Father's Day for a father-to-be is a time of serious anticipation of the new life he is bringing into this world. Share this special experience with the father-to-be in your life and let him know he's got this!

Helpful Tip: The father-to-be needs a lot of encouragement on Father's Day. Share in the joy and excitement of his upcoming fatherhood with words of encouragement about the great father he will be.

Some suggestions to encourage the father-to-be in your life:
  • Happy Father-to-Be Day! You are going to be an awesome father!
  • Happy Father's Day to the Father-to-Be!
  • Happy (almost) Father's Day!
  • Happy Father's Day to our favorite Father-to-Be!
  • So happy to be able to wish you a Happy Father-to-Be Day!
  • Can't wait to see the special Father's Day cards in your future! Happy Father's Day to a special Father-to-Be.
  • You are going to make a wonderful dad!

For Someone Who Is Like a Father To You

Most of us have had men in our lives who have taken on a father-like role. Perhaps you have a stepfather, godfather, older brother, uncle or family friend who has played a significant role in your life. You will want to acknowledge and honor the person who has been like a father to you with a heartfelt and sincere expression of admiration and gratitude for Father's Day.

Helpful Tip: On Father's Day, we want to honor the men who have been a significant part of our lives, whether or not they are actually related to us. In your Father's Day greeting, you want to be sure to recognize and show our appreciation for the special bond you share with this person.

Some ideas for honoring the person who has been like a father to you:
  • Thinking of you today with love and gratitude for being like a father to me.
  • Thank you for going above and beyond to support me and share the important times in my life.
  • Everyone needs a man like you in their lives.
  • Thinking of you on Father's Day and so grateful to have you in my life!
  • Happy Father's Day to the best godfather. So glad my parents picked you for the job!
  • To a wonderful man I'll always look up to, with love and gratitude.
  • Thank you for your wisdom and guidance through the years.
  • You have made a world of difference in my life and I thank you.
  • For being such a caring and positive influence in my life, I am truly grateful.
  • Thinking of you with extra special gratitude on this Father's Day.
For all the fathers in your life, you can find the perfect sentiment to express your feelings, love, admiration and gratitude. Don't forget to honor all the fathers who have made contributions to your life on this Father's Day!
Father's Day Cards