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Holy Cow! es tu cumpleaños
Holy Cow - it's your birthday (flash)
Holy Cow - belated bithday (flash)

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zebra blowout cake (flash)
sweetness cupcake (flash)
b-day cake (flash)

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Glückwünsche Widder!
Tanti Auguri Ariete!
Tillykke Vædderen

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Gefeliciteerd Ram!
Joyeux Anniversaire - Bélier
Feliz Cumpleaños - Aries

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biglietto di compleanno, tanti auguri, coniglio, divertente, invecchiando
Happy b-day Aries!
Ma è vero? Sei tu quello vecchio?!?!?
Ma è vero? Sei tu quella vecchia?!?!?

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Thanks for the birthday wishes - smiley 2
Thanks for the birthday wishes - smiley
Thanks for the birthday wishes - flower

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