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current mood, mood, thrilled to the core

current mood, mood, spoiling for a fight

current mood, mood, very snuggly
current mood: Thrilled to the Core
current mood: Spoiling for a Fight
current mood: Very Snuggly

current mood, mood, delighted, vintage

current mood, mood, crazy as a soup sandwich

current mood, mood, complacent
current mood: Delighted
current mood: Crazy as a Soup Sandwich
current mood: Complacent

current mood, mood, cheerful

current mood, mood, viuntage, flexible

current mood, mood, tipsy
current mood: Cheerful
current mood: Flexible
current mood: Tipsy

current mood, mood, inquisitive

current mood, mood, jolly

current mood, mood, zombee wants brains
current mood: Inquisitive
current mood: Jolly
current mood: Zombee wants brains

current mood, mood, wide awake

current mood, mood, very sorry

current mood, mood, very sleepy
current mood: Wide Awake
current mood: Very Sorry
current mood: Very Sleepy

current mood, mood, tired

current mood, mood, surprised

current mood, mood, somewhat hostile
current mood: Tired
current mood: Surprised
current mood: Somewhat Hostile

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