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E-cards are nice;
They get read once or twice.
Snail mail cards pack a punch;
They get read a bunch!

I'm very happy to create custom cards. More photos are available here, and you can read all about my adventures here.

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1 - 20 of 44 cardsPages: 1 | 2 | 3       next »    last  
Bike Sunrise card
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Cycling Sunrise card
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Calla Lilies card
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Snow Bike card
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Quilted Skies card
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Sunrise Cycling card
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Mount Princeton card
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Torreys Peak card
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goose card
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Quilted Skies card
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Quilted Skies card
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1 - 20 of 44 cardsPages: 1 | 2 | 3       next »    last  

Deborah is an extremely talented photographer. Her ability to capture wildlife and the outdoors is truly spectactular. C. Goodwin
guest  |  February 28, 2008