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When I first started to travel, I was awestruck by how different our daily lives are from what plays out in the remote corners of the world. But the more I got out there, the more I realized I was kidding myself. It's not that different at all. It's all about figuring out who you are, how to get by in the world and, most importantly, how to eat without getting eaten yourself!

Through photography I share the wonders I've been lucky enough to discover in out there. And through these cards I hope you will find pieces of Nature that speak for you as well. For more variety of photography products and diverse wildcards than what I'm able to offer here, please see Owed To Nature on

Please take a look and should you see anything in my larger portfolio that you'd like as a GCU card, just "Contact this Artist" through the link at the bottom of this page to discuss your personalized request and custom designs.

All these scenes and faces keep me grounded, keep me focused and definitely keep me smiling. I hope you enjoy them too.

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Ostrich talker card
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Simba Smile card
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Polar Bear face card
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Leo conqueror card
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Simba kids card
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Your wild animal photo cards are wonderful and powerful.
guest  |  March 25, 2011
I love your cards so much! Thanks for the web site advice, I'm working on mine right now! Please keep taking pictures!
Angela  |  March 18, 2010
Wow!... I adore your cards, how lucky you are to see these wonderful creatures in the wild and capture them so well on camera. I hope you have great success with the cards and look forward to seeing more!
Karen  |  December 08, 2009
Hi - Your cards are very nice and I wish you much success here at GCU! - Peace be with You -
Nilla -
guest  |  May 02, 2009