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Happy Chanukkah! card

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Happy Chanukkah! card (1455714)
Front | Inside | Back
Happy Chanukkah! card
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$3.89 (includes envelope), as low as
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1 - 1* $3.89
2 - 4* $3.39
5 - 9 $3.19
10 - 24 $3.09
25 - 49 $2.79
50 - 99 $2.59
100 - 199* $2.29
200 - 499* $2.19
500 - 999* $1.79
1,000 - 2,999* $1.59
3,000+* See bulk pricing
* Orders with less than 5 cards or exceeding 99 cards are not eligible for FedEx Office pickup.
Inside Text:

May Your Chanukkah Celebration
Be Illuminated With Joy!
Inside text only
Product ID:
In Stock - Ships the next business day
Folded 5" x 7" greeting card
Artist Notes:
This image conveys good wishes for the Chanukkah holiday. In Hebrew, "Chanukkah" means "dedication," and commemorates the re-dedication of the holy Temple in Jerusalem following the Jewish victory over the the invasion of the Syrian-Greeks in 165 B.C.E. Shown are a menorah or lamp that holds eight candles plus a 'shamash', one candle used for lighting the others. Lighting these candles (one on each of eight nights) acknowledges the miracle that a small jar of olive oil (containing only a 1 day supply) was enough to keep the Temple menorah continuously lit for eight days during the siege. A model of Jerusalem represents the fabled, walled city where this miracle occurred. The dreydls or tops, each carved with four initials for the Hebrew words 'nes, gadol, hayah, sham' (a great miracle happened here) are used in a traditional child's game with the golden coins as playing pieces. The wine, potato pancakes (latkes) and 'safganiyot' (doughnuts) are traditional foods eaten during this time.
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