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Greeting Cards that will tug at your heart strings. See more gifts and poetry

Happy Shopping! Welcome and thank you for visiting Heart Tugs. I hope you will find something to your heart's content.

Hello, and Welcome to my store! I am excited to share my card designs on the internet for your enjoyment. All poetry in this shop is my own and copyright protected. (Please do not use verses without permission.) To locate a particular card or theme, use the shop search engine located to the left. To view inside verses, simply hover your mouse over the card, or click on the image to open the card. I hope your visit is an enjoyable one, and that you find a card that suits you. There are plenty to choose from, and I am always adding something new as the spirit moves me. Thank you for visiting and please stop by again!
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Gold Star Dad card
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I love a cards store with variety, and Alda, yours has loads. Really nice.
Best Wishes
Inkflo @ Chez Inkflo
Angela  |  October 13, 2012
great to be your banner...
guest  |  May 10, 2012
Beautiful cards Alda, & congratulations on design of the day today!
Best Wishes
Angela ...Chez Inkflo
Angela  |  May 10, 2012
Hi Alda...I just thought I'd pop in and say Hello! Great work by the way. :)

- Oma (Caribbean Ink)
Seema  |  April 25, 2011
I love your cards. especially the online undies. Very creative.
Susan-Susans Photo Art
Susan  |  February 21, 2011
Hi Alda,

I just love all your cards!!!! Each verse is so beautiful and they just seem so real and genuine - straight from the heart:) You have some very inspiring cards!!!

~Lindsey from TigersEyeDesigns
Lindsey  |  May 06, 2010
Hi Alda!
Thank you so much for all the comments you have made on my cards! I really appreciate them. Sorry, for not saying it earlier. You have so many wonderful cards in your gallery and your poetry is very heart warming!
Blessings to you,
Christie Black-Creations from the Heart
Christie  |  February 05, 2010
I just love the "Wedding Hanky" cards, so beautiful and touching.
Edward  |  August 25, 2009
Alda just saw your card "as good as it gets" fantastic colour and design!!!
eugenia  |  August 04, 2009
Alda, I wanted to thank you for the very kind message you left! and for visiting my store! I have been reading your cards...and you definitely under estimate yourself! You are very much so, an artist and poet! ( a very GOOD one at that!) I think your cards are just WONDERFUL! and what a talent you have for writing! I wish you much success in all that you do! Cindy (Ivory and Lace)
Cynthia  |  July 11, 2009
I can feel your heart in the cards you create. Crafted with love, it shows.
Jeff  |  July 08, 2009
You have a lot of great cards. You are very talented!
Rhonda  |  June 09, 2009
Hi Alda,

Just stopped in to say you have some great new designs in your store!

Bill  |  May 06, 2009
Hi, Alda,

You're so kind to visit and leave such nice comments! This is a terrific store - love your designs and words - picked a couple for favorites, and now must learn how to do reviews so I can return the favor. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Carol  |  May 05, 2009
Lovely gallery, your cards have verses that will make one feel extra-special.

Wishing you all the best,
Sherry Holder Hunt
Sherry Holder  |  May 04, 2009
You definitely have a way with words. I love your verses.
Laura  |  March 03, 2009
What a great talent!! Your cards are so beautiful - great store!
annie  |  March 02, 2009
You have a lot of lovely cards. The "Trust God" card is my favorite... the front design is clever and the words are awesome!
Robin  |  February 16, 2009
Thank you so much for the kind words! I love your Valentine's Day cards. all so bright and colorful!!

Harvey  |  January 27, 2009
Hi Alda,
Just wanted to thank you for the nice comment you left on one of my cards. You have a wonderful store have a very unique style and lovely words to go with your style. Kathy
Kathy  |  January 27, 2009
You have a lovely collection, the trust card is my favorite. Krystal
Krystal  |  January 26, 2009
Just stopped in to say that I really like your store, and especially your Valentine for Mom/Dad cards! Good luck in '09!
Avis  |  January 18, 2009
What a wonderful selection of cards you have, Happy New Year! Lisa
Lisa  |  January 05, 2009 have some wonderful cards. Keep them coming. Jonice
Jonice  |  December 17, 2008
What a marvelous collection of cards and the verses are so terrific. Great work!
Delores  |  November 17, 2008
Just wanted to let you know how I love your sorry I dumped on you card, I loved it!
Norma  |  November 16, 2008
Hi Alda,
You did a great job with the pictures from the lake.
guest  |  November 10, 2008
Hi Alda,
Thanks for your kind words
Your cards are great and so too your poetry, you have a special talent.

Sandra  |  September 28, 2008
HI Alda,
Just wanted to stop in and let you know that you have some fabulous designs going. great job!

Bill  |  August 15, 2008
Hi Alda, you have beautiful cards, my favorites are the inspirational ones, your wording is very encouraging and uplifting!
Matteo/Joy  |  August 01, 2008
Alda, Tom was right. These are cards are beautifully designed and the writing exquisite. You really have a special gift. Norval
guest  |  June 21, 2008