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Hello and Welcome to my gallery! I am excited to have my art on the internet for you to enjoy. So, relax in a comfy chair, have a cup of tea and enjoy. I am constantly updating and adding to my selection of designs. If you like what you see, or are looking for something in particular, please let me know! I will do my best to accommodate your request as quickly as possible. Thank you for dropping by, and be sure to visit often!
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Hello Heather!
Your gallery deserves to be discovered! I love the simplicity and whimsical feel of your art pieces. Nicole M.
Your gallery deserves to be discovered! I love the simplicity and whimsical feel of your art pieces. Nicole M.
Michael | August 26, 2015
Hi Heather! I've included one of your Halloween cards on my Squidoo lens. :-) Stop by and have a look if you have a minute! Cheers! Heather (yes, I'm called Heather too!)
Heather | September 25, 2011
Wonderful designs. Your cards are truly terrific! I adore the "Clouds Spotting" very much~ Lj Maxx
Lj | May 09, 2010
Hi Heather - I like the gentle humour with your work, cloud spotting and birthday hatch. Looking forward to seeing more.
Leslie | September 25, 2008
I love your store front and colors. I like the whimsical style of your art and your bio is way too cool..I guess we moms need a sense of humor :) I wish you the best on your store..
Sarah | September 18, 2008