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A Blessing For Good Health card (1406380)
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A Blessing For Good Health card
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Inside Text:
Wishing You A Speedy & Complete Recovery.
Inside text only
Product ID:
In Stock - Ships the next business day
Folded 5" x 7" greeting card
Artist Notes:
This card provides the Mi Shebeirach, a traditional Hebrew blessing that one may offer for the speedy recovery from illness of a friend or loved one. It may be recited within a synagogue service or privately when one is informed of the serious illness of a friend or loved one. The centerpiece of the card is an ornate, antique Torah ark (cabinet) whose doors are open to reveal a view of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where the Western Wall is the only remaining artifact of the original Solomon's Temple. It is traditional for visitors to the Wall to place notes with personal prayers in between the stones of the wall in the belief that from this holy place, God will grant one's heartfelt prayers and wishes. These notes are called tzetlach. Flanking the blessing in Hebrew & English are two antique healing amulets, once worn for protection from ill fortune and disease. The bird poised on the right side is a Caladrius from a medieval legend of its prophetic power.
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