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Oh my cuteness!
Hello and Welcome to my Send2Smiles Store. My name is Gerda Steiner, a self-taught artist, mom and dog-lover. You'll also find my work at and I would be thrilled to connect with you via Facebook Thank you so much. XO Gerda
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Very cute cards, Gerda. You have a joyful style. Congrats on design of the day!
Cathie  |  September 15, 2015
Gerda, Your cards bring such a smile to me each time I see them go buy on the homepage train (and it is many, many times each week so lots of smiles for me - :) Just wanted to say Thanks for that. You are a fave artist of mine here in GCU land indeed! - Lj Maxx
Lj  |  November 24, 2014
I love your fall 'card of the day', very sweet X
Kate  |  September 23, 2013
You are so talented! I'm so glad you are part of GCU. I wish you many sales!
Gail Pepin
Gail  |  October 14, 2012
Gerda, I don't know how to choose a card in your store, they are all so cute!
Great job.
Inkflo, Chez Inkflo
Angela  |  October 13, 2012
I love you cartoon style and characters! Very nice store and cards Gerda!

John. The Village Greetings
John  |  June 30, 2012
Gerda, Thank You for always making my special cards, you are great. Colleen
guest  |  October 21, 2011
Gerda, your art is awesome, love all these adorable faces, makes one smile.
Janet Lee @Janet Lee Designs

Janet  |  September 30, 2011
wonderful cards so sweet, I'm a fan
Carole  |  September 21, 2011
Wow, your designs are amazing! I love how simple and artistic they are! Your work is truly inspiring :) I love your work!

Lindsey  |  August 16, 2011
Hi Gerda! I love your wonderful cards--so cute :) I love animal cards and yours are exceptional. Thanks also for your kind words on my cards and the idea to put my zazzle panel on my profile page :)
Sharon  |  August 08, 2011
ich bin immer wieder begeistert von den karten!
MARIA  |  July 31, 2011
Love your style and critters, you are super talented! Congratulations on your well deserved Design of the Day!
Pamela  |  July 19, 2011
You go girl!!!! Well done! Your cards are so cute and really expressive! Adorable!
Peta  |  July 19, 2011
Gerda, you did it again! Congratulations on receiving Design of the Day!
I gave you a mention in my blog...
Janet Lee
Janet  |  July 19, 2011
Gerda, Congrats on a well deserved Design of the Day. Your cards are absolutely adorable. Love them!
Betsy  |  July 08, 2011
Such lovely cards, Gerda! I am so fond of your style of drawing. May I ask where you found the font that you use in most of your cards? I have been looking for a similar font but cannot find it anywhere. Many thanks and best of luck! Heather (
Heather  |  July 08, 2011
Gerda, Your cards are adorable and refreshing. Love your style. Congrats on design of the day too.
Marie @ Naquaiya Cards.
Michele  |  July 08, 2011
Congratulations On Recieving Design Of The Day..I included you on my blog..awesome cards!
Janet Lee
Janet  |  July 08, 2011
I love your illustrations, they are so cute - really inspirational! Good Luck at GCU! :)

Amanda Jorjorian
Amanda  |  May 06, 2011
Love your creative talent! So very precious! You are going to be a big addition to GCU and everyone who gets your cards will be delighted! I've favorited several!

Trish  |  May 06, 2011
Congratulations Gerda! I saw your new card made Design of the Day and it's ADORABLE! Your cards are wonderful and you will do very well here!
Doreen  |  May 06, 2011
Gerda, your images are adorable!!
Thanks for your comments on my
"Creations from the Heart"!

Christie Black
Christie  |  May 02, 2011
Nice work! Very cute cards! Best wishes for you and your store!

Amanda  |  April 25, 2011
I love your cards! Very well done :)
Jane  |  April 16, 2011
Hello! Your cards are adorable! Love the bug...SO sweet. And the fish..Cant choose, love them all.
Karen. Victorian Translations.
KAREN  |  April 15, 2011