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Welcome to my card store: "Eloquence." I have created a variety of designs from my original oil paintings and sketches, my own photographs, as well as from images found in the public domain. I especially enjoy creating cards with a patriotic theme, intended for our servicemen and servicewomen in the United States Armed Forces. I have also developed a line of Jewish and Messianic Jewish cards for various holidays as well as invitations to Bat and Bar Mitzvahs and weddings. My designs for the Chinese New Year are influenced by Asian art that graced my childhood home. I will be adding new designs every chance I get and will be happy to accommodate any special requests whenever possible. Come on in to my store and browse. Just enter a Keyword (such as Chanukah, Christmas, Birthday, etc.) to the box in the side bar on the left of this page to search my gallery. Thanks for visiting Eloquence!
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Hi Ramelle, Thank you for working with us to design the most beautiful card to include with our church's 100 Bounty Baskets this year. We loved the warm glow that was created by your use of color and the scripture displayed on the front cover to set the scene and to bring the emphasis back to gratitude for the season. We are thankful to you for making these available to us! We hope to order again in the future! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
Michael  |  November 17, 2020
Fabulous Work !!!!
connie  |  April 11, 2018
Hi Ramelle , You have a beautiful shop .
Frances  |  November 05, 2016
Dear Ramelle: Your cards are perfection - from the images to the verses. I'm so thankful that creative people like you exist to enrich our lives with your talent.
Pat  |  May 24, 2015
Dear 'Guest' (from 2-17-15)
Thank you for your kind words regarding my Chinese New Year designs. I love making them and am already working on my 2016 Year of the Monkey designs. I took my best-selling Year of the Ram design and adapted it for the Monkey. You may see it via this link:
Also, thank you for your suggestion about the Chinese Valentine's Day cards. After your excellent suggestion, I have been researching the Double Seventh and Qixi Festival. I have also written to the GCU administration about adding that Chinese holiday as a new category. I appreciate your bringing it to our attention.
Best regards and Happy Chinese New Year,
Ramelle (Eloquence)
Ramelle  |  February 17, 2015
Hello Ramelle: I want to personally THANK YOU for designing such BEAUTIFUL Chinese New Year Greeting cards!

I happened to look on the website for other holidays and I would like to make a suggestion for a NEW greeting card that is not currently in the choices for selection.

Everyone loves Valentine's Day.....but I looked ahead for Chinese Valentine's Day and their is currently not a choice for that holiday! (Chinese Valentine's Day for 2015 is August 20, 2015. That should provide you with plenty of time to design one. I know this will be received with great support within the Chinese community everywhere.
Please send me a follow-up on this....Thank you!

guest  |  February 17, 2015
Hi Ramelle- You have a lovely store with beautiful cards! you are a very talented photographer, artist and designer! Best wishes and continued success with your sales! cat (cateresacardstore)
Samara  |  May 21, 2014
Gorgeous cards! Lovely shop!
guest  |  May 17, 2014
Hi, Ramelle, Thank you for your visit to my store front on the occasion of the "Official Opening" yesterday. You have a lot of lovely cards here too, with a great personal style! Love that blue and gold "Messianic Chanukah, Menorah Light in Windows card" - Great work! Steppeland
Steppeland - Lutgarde  |  August 24, 2013
Lovely store, Ramelle! And in the midst of all the lovliness, you have the hilarious "Please Be My Greeter" card - great stuff!
Rosemary  |  February 04, 2013
Like your cards Ramelle, and thanks for the link to Wikipaedia,(did I spell that wright?)I didn't have a clue. Janet from UK
janet  |  January 10, 2013
Hi Ramelle, love your card store, I think the Christmas snow globe is great!
Best Wishes from Angela (Inkflo@ChezInkflo)
Angela  |  November 26, 2012
Hi Ramelle! I love your cards and your recent Design of the Day (Wedding Greeter card) really touched me and got me enjoying a laugh unlike any I've enjoyed in a long time! I was inspired to use it in Corrie's "A Little Help From My Friends" blog contest ( Here's the link to my blog post: Voting is from Feb. 2 - 7, 2012 and if your card gets the most votes, we'll both win a $10 gift or 5 free GCU cards. :) So if you have a Facebook page or other social media outlets, please post a request to your friends to vote for it. :) And good luck! ;)

Megan  |  February 01, 2012
Ramelle, Congratulations on your DOD! Loved the card ... made me laugh outloud! Keep up the good work!

Sue ~ Sueshine Studio
guest  |  January 24, 2012
Ramelle, your cards are beautiful, I can see you selling many more in the years to come!
Janet Lee
guest  |  January 04, 2012
Ramelle, your cards and words are beautiful. Rosalie (Rosie Cards)
Rosalie  |  September 20, 2011
Your store certainly bears the right name - your cards are indeed eloquent (or clever!). I LOVE how they make me feel - so I trust how they'll make my friends and family feel. I'm glad I've found my source for cards.
Jodi Klein
guest  |  April 08, 2011
Hi, you have such a wonderful, diverse line of cards to offer. Really nice. Good luck with sales!
guest  |  March 31, 2011
Your cards are wonderful! I especially like the religious themed cards. Great work!
Emily Roesly
Emily  |  March 13, 2011
Hi Ramelle,
Shalom, welcome and lovely cards! Wishing you all the best here on GCU!
barbara schreiber
Matteo/Joy  |  March 06, 2011
Beautiful cards! Thank you for sharing your work!
Peggy  |  March 05, 2011
What beautiful cards with such heartfelt verses. A store to be proud of!
Norma  |  March 04, 2011
You have some lovely images. Will be watching with anticipation to see your collection grow! And welcome to GCU.
Susanne  |  March 04, 2011