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Modern Mazel Tov on Bat Mitzvah card (682203)
Front | Inside | Back
Modern Mazel Tov on Bat Mitzvah card
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$3.89 (includes envelope), as low as
Quantity Price Per Card
1 - 1* $3.89
2 - 4* $3.39
5 - 9 $3.19
10 - 24 $3.09
25 - 49 $2.79
50 - 99 $2.59
100 - 199* $2.29
200 - 499* $2.19
500 - 999* $1.79
1,000 - 2,999* $1.59
3,000+* See bulk pricing
* Orders with less than 5 cards or exceeding 99 cards are not eligible for FedEx Office pickup.
Inside Text:
Your commitment makes us very proud!
Inside text only
Product ID:
In Stock - Ships the next business day
Folded 5" x 7" greeting card
Artist Notes:
Very stylish and contemporary Mazel Tov card in bright pinks and oranges featuring the Tree of Life
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Reviews for Modern Mazel Tov on Bat Mitzvah card
"batmitzvah cards" By Helen P - February 19th, 2016
It is really difficult to buy these cards in the High Street so to be able to get them on line and to be able to personalise them is extremely important would recommend this site to anyone. This card is lovely and would continue to use this site in future