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Save Our Oceans - Keepsakes of the Ocean Art card

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Save Our Oceans - Keepsakes of the Ocean Art card (1072732)
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Save Our Oceans - Keepsakes of the Ocean Art card
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$3.89 (includes envelope), as low as
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Inside Text:
The home we call Earth is a precious gift.
Every day we need to cherish and protect
the wonders around us.
Inside text only
Product ID:
In Stock - Ships the next business day
Folded 7" x 5" greeting card
Artist Notes:
Protect our seas! World Oceans Day is on June 8! We see a child emerge from an ocean portal to deliver gifts to a hummingbird collector in the forest. Does he travel from a distant sea..or does he collect remnants of the ocean from another time? "Keepsakes of the Ocean". Digitally painted. Copyright 2013 Audra D Lemke.
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