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Custom Name Birthday While at School, Cupcake card

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Custom Name Birthday While at School, Cupcake card (1573368)
Front | Inside | Back
Custom Name Birthday While at School, Cupcake card
Personalize Inside
$3.89 (includes envelope), as low as
Quantity Price Per Card
1 - 1* $3.89
2 - 4* $3.39
5 - 9 $3.19
10 - 24 $3.09
25 - 49 $2.79
50 - 99 $2.59
100 - 199* $2.19
200 - 499* $2.09
500 - 999* $1.69
1,000 - 2,999* $1.59
3,000+* See bulk pricing
* Orders with less than 5 cards or exceeding 99 cards are not eligible for FedEx Office pickup.
Inside Text:
It's time for your birthday while you're away.
How can we forget your special day?

Take some time to unwind and relax.
The books can wait, go grab some snacks.

We wish you a very Happy Birthday!
And love you more than we can say.
Cover text, inside text
Product ID:
In Stock - Ships the next business day
Folded 7" x 5" greeting card
Artist Notes:
This custom name birthday card is for someone away at school. The cover features a background in black and white squares, royal blue, and light orange. The headline is white. There are colorful books, a coffee mug, and a cupcake. The personal name is placed in the center area. You may change the inside message if you wish. ©Gail Pepin
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