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Rhonda 's Card Store
Monday, June 10, 2024
Hello and Welcome to my store! To make your visit easy, please click on the category links directly to the left to browse my card gallery. Be sure to visit often as I am always adding more cards. I do take special requests and can alter the wording and and/or colors on any card in my store. You can also alter the wording on the inside of the card to suit your needs. What I have posted are merely suggestions. SPECIAL REQUESTS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!! If you have a special request, click on the "contact this artist" link at the bottom of the page. Enjoy and thank you for coming to my store.
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Weird Co-Worker card
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Weird Boss card
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Your "Bending Over Backwards" thank you card is awesome! It made me laugh out loud and was exactly what I needed. Your cards are GREAT!

Emily Roesly
Emily's Imagery
Emily  |  November 21, 2012
HI Rhonda ~ These are GREAT cards! ( i like King's orders) :) just a thought- re: fibro... my 15 year fibro symptom list was due to a food allergy to gluten. All of my symptoms began to resolve in 3-4 weeks & now are gone with gluten free diet. It might be worth a shot? Take care and keep creating - annie ( annie's art 4u) wisconsin
Annmarie  |  September 12, 2009
great start - Congrats - Keep going !!!!
Michelle  |  August 01, 2009
Wonderful selection of cards. I especially like the "Bending Over Backwards" card -- wonderful sense of humor.
Delores  |  June 12, 2009
Your have a great start! Love the creative photography and clever words; can't wait to see more.
Nature's Wonders Photo Cards
Carol  |  June 12, 2009
Hi - Your cards are very nice and I wish you much success here at GCU! - Peace be with You -
Nilla -
guest  |  June 12, 2009
Your cards are really fun Rhonda! Welcome to GCU! I look forward to seeing more of your work, you have a good eye for photography and a fun sense of humor.
Doreen Erhardt
Salon of Art
Doreen  |  June 11, 2009
Hi Rhonda,
I am a stay at home mom of three from Texas, glad to have you aboard. You have a great start to your shop, keep it up!
Christie Black
Creations from the Heart
Christie  |  June 09, 2009
Love your cards Rhonda and you are doing great. Keep up the great work! Good luck with your sales also Hon!

Madeline / SmudgeArt Card Shop
MADELINE  |  June 09, 2009
Rhonda, great photos and I like your humor. Keep posting, really, you give me a chuckle.. Anyway, glad you're here.
Neva Spell Photography
Neva  |  June 09, 2009
Hi Rhonda,
Keep the cards and humor coming. You're sure to make a lot of hearts smile!
Alda  |  June 09, 2009
I think your cards are absolutely fantastic! Keep 'em comin'.... I love all your clever sayings that fit the images so well.
Nan  |  June 09, 2009
Your photography is really imaginative and wonderful. I love the way you have worked the photos with the funny text, especially the "sizzling hot guy". Too funny. Congrats on joining the GCU family!
Judy Rodgers
Lil Orphan Cards, Inc.
guest  |  June 09, 2009
Love your sense of Humor....great photos.

Best of Luck!

guest  |  June 09, 2009
Great start on your store, nice photography and good sense of humor! Welcome to GCU :)
guest  |  June 09, 2009
Hi, welcome to GCU, nice start to your store.

Bill  |  June 09, 2009