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How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool (Read 31420 times)
GCU Administrator

Posts: 53
How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Mar 12th, 2010, 8:48am
Here are some tips on leveraging the new “Sell this card” feature on your blog or webpage:
Start by searching for keywords to target by going to the Reports & Analysis section of the Administrative Settings page, and click on the “Traffic Analytics” link.  Ah, the power of information.
For this purpose change a couple of the report settings.  Change the report type to “Google Search Keywords” because Google is by far the most widely used search engine.  Next to focus your efforts on what will likely be selling 3 - 6 months from now look at last year’s data for that date range.  For example, in March set the date range from June 21st 2009 to September 21st 2009.  Also consider setting the bounce rate field to 0% and setting the max rows to 100.  Click the “Refresh Report” button.
Now, for the fun part, interpreting the data.  This will be different for everyone and is well worth the investment of time.  Here are three ways to focus on this information:
1) Out of these keyword phrases which ones are reflective of your work or most resonate with you?  When creating content for a blog or webpage, it is always easier to create content on a subject that you have an affinity for and are passionate about!  Your goal is to find a keyword phrase that relates to a topic that you would enjoy writing about... The content we are going to put together and publish is not to sell cards... It is to teach your readers something, and make sure they know that GCU has cards related to that topic, too!  Cool
2) Low bounce rate and/or high number of pages per visit.  These indicate that users who find our content like our content – they stay for a while (don’t “bounce” away) and browse (visit many pages) thus have found something of interest.  Users who find content they like are obviously more likely to buy!  
3) Which keywords have low competition and high search volume?  This method requires doing additional research on the keyword phrases by running them through Google’s free keyword research tool, http://www.google.com/sktool or some other keyword research tool to find niches with low competition.    
No matter how you come to the conclusion of your keyword phrase you are going to focus on the key is to pick ONE keyword phrase before moving on to the next step.
Now you have the keyword phrase you are going to target, great!  The next step is to create 300 - 500 words of UNIQUE, keyword rich content to inform people about your keyword phrase.  I can’t stress enough how important it is to create unique content here.  Google is the all-seeing, all-knowing gatekeeper.  If someone simply copies content from one webpage to another webpage, like Wikipedia, or uses the same content on multiple blog posts, Google can and will actually penalize both the blog or page that the content was placed on, as well as the website that the links on that page point to.  To truly play this game, you need to follow the rules, and the rule is… Unique Content Only!  
The goal with your content is to offer unique content that will inform users about something related to the keyword you selected.  What can you teach your readers?  What are you an expert on?  What do you love to share with others???  The content you create can explain everything from art techniques, quilting, planning a birthday party, soccer, or anything else that is of interest to you.  After you create this unique content, let the cards simply be a related item, not the main focus of the piece!  Include a few links to some cards that match your content and keyword phrase, to make sure that the users who were attracted to read your unique article know that there are greeting cards available that match that topic, too!  Again, the goal here is to educate your readers!
The other important element of the content is to make sure it is keyword rich.  What does that mean?  Let’s just say that you want to repeat the phrase a bit more than your high-school English teacher would have appreciated without going overboard of course.  Your content should be natural to read and not have awkwardly repetitive placements of your keywords.  Using the keyword phrase you select in the title of the blog page and post, if possible, as well as using it one or two times in each paragraph is going to help Google’s search engines know that your webpage is about that specific keyword phrase, and will make Google more likely to want to return your page when that phrase is searched versus content that only has the keyword phrase in it once.  Also, you can use semantically related versions of your keywords–it does not have to be the exact keyword repeated over and over again. For example: race cars, racing cars, race car gear, how to race a car, etc.    
Next, find 4 - 8 GCU cards that you want to promote in your content that best exemplify your keyword phrase.  These could be your cards or even other GCU artists’ cards.  To do this simply go to GCU and search for cards that you think are fitting and click on the “$” Sell This Card icon below the card thumbnail image.  Copy the link for each card to a notepad as you will be pasting these links into your webpage or blog post.  You can either use the text only links or the image links.  I think your best bet is to use both, but keep in mind, people love pictures!  I would personally post 2 image links for every 1 text link.
Let’s look at how far you’ve come:
1.      You have identified a keyword phrase to target that relates to a popular search term that increases in the next 3 - 6 months.  
2.      You have created a 300 - 500 word, keyword rich article with 100% unique content and have identified 4 - 8 relevant cards that you will be directly promoting within this content.  
Now, it is time to publish your content!
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« Last Edit: Aug 9th, 2010, 8:38am by Miles_139130 »  
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GCU Administrator

Posts: 53
Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #1 - Mar 12th, 2010, 8:50am
Publishing content on the internet is simple and free!  If you do not already have your own blog or website there are a number of services you can use, and the real key is to find one that you are comfortable working with.  Pages created with services like these can receive significant amounts of traffic and can reach the #1 spot on all of the major search engines!  
Below is a list of free services anyone can use to build a website or blog…
Each service is a bit different but they all accomplish the same basic thing;  publishing your content for free.  So browse around and find the ones that you feel comfortable with.  After that it’s just a matter of jumping in and learning!
The last step in the process is to anchor your text links inside your content.  The best way to do this is to take your keyword phrase from inside of your article and make the keyword phrase a clickable link.  This is done with the use of a simple html tag…
<a href=”http://www.greetingcarduniverse.com/theSellThisCardlinkgoeshere”>Keyword Phrase</a>
If you are inserting the Image Link, all of the code is already provided for you, so simply paste that code where you want the image to be in your content and the image will be a clickable link to that specific card on the GCU site.
Once you publish your content with your anchored links and image links you are done.  Congratulations, you have just created a page that will work for you while you sleep!  You can now link to this new page from your Facebook or Twitter account, your blog if you have one, or you can simply move on to another keyword phrase and start the whole process over.  Over the next couple of months the search engine spiders will find your new content, index your page and start serving it as relevant results to searches.
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Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #2 - Mar 12th, 2010, 9:06am
Oh this is such good information..    I have been thinking about many of these things listed and did not really know for sure how to go about it all on this site. A direction to start with so to speak.   I will have to look through the forum more often.  I did realize all these sub category's were in the title categories till recently.. Cool and Thanks!   Smiley
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The Lj Maxx Greeting Card Store:
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Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #3 - Mar 12th, 2010, 9:08am
Thank you for this wonderful step by step explanation.  I have been working on some of these sell links and have a question.  Do you think it is a good idea to place the title of the card below the sell link picture?  I was not sure if placing the exact title would be a bad idea or a good idea (I did include it, but can easily change it or delete the verbage altogether), so any advice would be appreciated.
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Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #4 - Mar 12th, 2010, 9:37am
Hi Miles,
Thank you so much for a great write up!  I have been doing this for quite some time and find this new feature for GCU is a tremendous addition!
I was wondering if GCU would work with Squidoo to get a GCU module created or get GCU links on the 'unlimited and approved' list for them.  As it stands now, only 9 links can be used on a Squidoo Lens to a 'non-approved' site.  So many of us GCU artists are also on Zazzle and therefore most likely have Squidoo lens for promotion.  I would love to see you added to Squidoo.
Thank you to Corrie as well who paved the way for us to be able to use this new GCU feature on our Squidoo lens...in the meantime!
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GCU Administrator

Posts: 53
Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #5 - Mar 12th, 2010, 9:49am
@Kathy - Including the card's title is a great idea!  If you can, making the title a click-able link is also beneficial.  The code for that, if you need it would be <a href="http://www.greetingcarduniverse.com/thesellthiscardlinkgoeshere">Title Of Card Here</a>
@Doreen - This is a great idea, and I thank you bringing this to our attention.  Our programming team is very busy, so I'm not sure how long creating a module will take, but I can definitely start looking into getting on Squidoo's approved site list asap!  
Thank you for your feedback and comments!  We are here to help  Smiley
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Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #6 - Mar 12th, 2010, 10:33am
Thanks Miles for the quick response.  I will make them clickable links.
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Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #7 - Mar 22nd, 2010, 5:59pm
clicking on the card itself takes them to the card.. so would we really have to add a title...  i admit i just got home and read only the last couple of posts, so this may not even be what  kathy is referring to... sorry
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Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #8 - Mar 22nd, 2010, 11:57pm
Denise, search engines like Google can't "see" images, so they look at titles on pages as part of their ranking criteria. Adding a clickable title might help push your card up search results.
Need more info and how-to on GCU?
GCU 101 - http://www.squidoo.com/gcu101
Card Design Tips - http://www.squidoo.com/designcardsatgcu
Marketing Tips - http://www.squidoo.com/makemoresalesatgcu
Retail Sales Tips - http://www.squidoo.com/sellcardsretail
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Gold Member

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Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #9 - Mar 23rd, 2010, 12:00am
thank you corrie, i will keep that in mind.
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Gold Member

Posts: 769
Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #10 - Mar 23rd, 2010, 12:04am
i would also like to know how to use google adwords... to be honest.. it scares me a little.. i have 100 adword credits.. that expire very soon and i haven't used them.  do we pay for visits to our blogs etc... that could get way out of control..... Huh
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Gold Member

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Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #11 - Mar 23rd, 2010, 7:18pm
Miles Smiley
I followed the steps above but no data comes up in my report Huh
Is this feature working correctly.
Never mind...had a 'moment' forgot to change the year to 2009 embarrassed
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GCU Administrator

Posts: 53
Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #12 - Mar 24th, 2010, 11:42am
@Pamela - I did the exact same thing my first couple times as I was writing this all up.  Cheesy
@Denise - Adwords is a whole 'nother ballgame, for sure!  One in which lots of money can be spent in learning how to create an ad campaign that actually creates a sale.  If you have free credits, I would definitely utilize them, but be sure that whatever page you are sending them to that they have the opportunity to buy something!!!
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GCU Newbies

Posts: 2
Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #13 - Mar 29th, 2010, 12:49pm
brilliant thread, excellent info Miles!
One thing you could add to list of resources for setting up your own site - Joomla, a fantastic open source software, which I have used myself for my own cards. I don't want to be seen to advertise my site, as I'm unfamiliar with forum rules regarding this? but if its ok I'll post my site and Joomla homepage for informational purposes?
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GCU Administrator

Posts: 53
Re: How to leverage the new "Sell This Card" tool
Reply #14 - Mar 29th, 2010, 1:39pm
Posting examples of how you are promoting your cards independently on the web is encouraged!  We all have tons to learn from eachother, so feel free to post a link!
Joomla is a very powerful content management system, as is Drupal and my personal preference, Wordpress.  I see these being a part of the intermediate course, whereas my focus so-far, has been to help people publish content without needing to deal with hosting, ftp or any of the technical stuff.
With that being said, feel free to post links, because I know that we have users of all abilities and levels of tech savvy-ness that read this forum!
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