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Audrey Ascenzo
Saturday, February 15, 2025

AUDREY'S CARD STORE * Artwork by licensing artist AUDREY ASCENZO * Bringing LOVE and BEAUTY into Your World *
Hello and welcome to my store! All of my artwork is traditionally hand drawn and then hand painted, to create a warm and inviting greeting card design. Hope you have a pleasant experience browsing through my selection and enjoy every design you purchase. Thank you for stopping by and spending some time with me!
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1 - 20 of 254 cardsPages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5       next »    last  

So many attractive designs! Congrats on sharing your wonderful talent with others!
Stacia | Good Things By Gorge
Stacia  |  June 14, 2015
Audrey, your designs are absolutely beautiful! Watercolor is a favorite medium of mine and it's demonstrated so well on your cards.

Rachel Kogut-Hodges/Silver Mist Greetings
Rachel  |  July 29, 2014
I just love your choice of colors for your cards, they are so beautiful.
Good Luck
Inkflo@chez inkflo
Angela  |  October 13, 2012
Very nice illustrations Audrey...Bright and colorful..

Donna Collins
Donna  |  June 19, 2012
Audrey, I Love your exquisite style and very lovely store. Every design and card is a treasure. Naquaiya
Michele  |  February 03, 2011
I could leave a comment on all these cards Audrey! Your skill, imagination and style combine to make some beautiful cards.
Pamela  |  September 26, 2010
A truly lovely store you have. Very feminine and beautiful. I can not choose a fave for they are all equally so. LjM
Lj  |  September 23, 2010
your cards are perfectly exquisite. I love thedelicate work and beauty of each one, especially your eggs!
Your work is truly inspiring!
guest  |  March 27, 2010
Your cards are just BEAUTIFUL! I really enjoyed looking and reading through each one! Very pretty designs! Cindy~Ivory and Lace Custom Designs
Cynthia  |  August 29, 2009
Very pretty! Bright of GCU.
Mary  |  July 22, 2009
You have some nice designs in your store.

Bill  |  June 19, 2009
Audrey - Your heart and cards are so beautiful! Thank You - Peace be with You - Nilla
guest  |  June 12, 2009
Wow ... everything is gorgeous ... you have a wonderful talent! Liz (
Chris  |  April 20, 2009
i love the beauty i your delicate artwork! wonderful colors and emotional tugs!
Sandy  |  April 20, 2009
I love your cards and artwork! Very pretty designs and colors. Each card design is so refreshing and
spring like even the winter ones. :) Thank you for sharing your lovely creations with us here at GCU!

guest  |  April 04, 2009
You have some really nice cards. I love your soft pastels, but the brilliant colors are nice, too! Kathy (Sensual Moments)
Kathy  |  February 28, 2009
Your cards are special and a delight to view!
guest  |  February 17, 2009
Hi Audrey, Your artwork and illustrations are very beautiful. I love your Chickadee Ornament card. Too cute! You are very talented and it shows in your fabulous work! Sheryl Kasper :)
Michael  |  December 01, 2008
Hi Audrey, I think your artwork is pure, fun and so colorful. You are a very talented lady!
Harvey  |  August 20, 2008
Audrey, Your store is lovely and your cards are very professional. What a fun store to hang out in.
Michele  |  August 11, 2008
Very sensitive and beautiful artwork.
Naty  |  March 17, 2008
Your cards are beautiful. Gorgeous artwork!
Lynda  |  December 05, 2007