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lol, lots of love, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

lol, laughing out loud, lolz, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

lmirl, lets meet in real life, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat
lol - lots of love
lol - laughing out loud
lmirl - lets meet in real life

kotl,  kiss on the lips, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

kotc, kiss on the cheek, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

jk, just kidding, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat
kotl - kiss on the lips
kotc - kiss on the cheek
jk - just kidding

j4f, just for fun, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

ilu, i love you, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

ijwts, i just want to say, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat
j4f - just for fun
ilu - i love you
ijwts - i just want to say

i have a question, ?, question, ask, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

i have a comment, !, opinion, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

hig, hows it going, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat
i have a question
i have a comment
hig - hows it going

gws, get well soon, feel better, sick, ill, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

gratz, congratulations, congrats, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

gr8, great, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat
gws - get well soon
gratz - congratulations
gr8 - great

gmta, great minds think alike, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

gjp, great job partner, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat

ftbomh, from the bottom of my heart, text, txt, chat speak, txt spk, SMS, texting, chat
gmta - great minds think alike
gjp - great job partner
ftbomh - from the bottom of my heart

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