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weekend, caturday, saturday, cat,

pirate bee treasure yarr

err arr pirate
weekend - caturday
here bee treasure
to err is human

pirate bee booty

pirate booty

pirate bee cutlass, hook, arrr, avast me hearties
show me your booty
Avast me hearties!

pirate, sheep, boarded, hook,

pirate, cat, sail ho, hook,

pirate, sheep, ewe, yarrr
Prepare to be boarded!
Sail ho!

pirate, sheep, ewe, you may lay to that

flock you, matey, pirat, sheep,

zodiac, birthsign, libra, scales, horoscope, astrology,
Ewe may lay to that!
flock you, matey
zodiac - Libra

friday, everyday, drinks one me, drink, beer

friday, everyday, drinks one me, drink, cocktail, martini

friday, everyday, drink, whiskey, on the rocks
friday - friday plus beer equals good
friday - weekend starts
friday - on the rocks

friday, everyday, funny, OMG, hamster

friday, everyday, is it friday yet, funny, cheese, mouse

friday, everyday, drinks one me, drink
friday - OMG hamster
friday - is it friday yet?
friday - drinks on me

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